Mises Wire

New Study on GSEs’ by a Fed Economist

New Study on GSEs’ by a Fed Economist

Federal Reserve Economist Wayne Passmore has authored a new study on the housing GSEs, which finds that:

(1) the federal government’s implicit subsidy of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has resulted in a funding advantage for the GSEs over private sector institutions, (2) the actions of GSEs result in slightly lower mortgage rates for some homeowners, (3) the government’s ambiguous relationship with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac imparts a substantial implicit subsidy to GSE shareholders, (4) the implicit government subsidy accounts for much of the GSEs’ market value, (5) the GSEs would hold far fewer of their mortgage-backed securities in portfolio and their capital-to-asset ratios would be higher if they were purely private, and (6) the GSEs’ implicit subsidy does not appear to have substantially increased homeownership or homebuilding.


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