Mises Wire

Private Property Rights Anyone?

Private Property Rights Anyone?

Eleven states ban or restrictions hunting on Sunday: CT, DE, ME, MD, MA, NJ, NC, PA, SC, VR, WV. According the an article earlier this week in USA Today (Oct. 3, p. 15A), some states are considering lifting their bans/restrictions. In a related article on the following page, hunters argue the pros and cons of Sunday restrictions on hunting. Surprisingly, the only mention of property rights is in connection with the North Carolina Farm Bureau wanting the Sunday ban to stand "because of property rights concerns." Evidently, the owners of the properties that are hunted on are not allowed to determine when hunting takes place: "Even though they lease their land to hunters and are hunters themselves, farmers don't mecessarily want people on their property on Sunday," says Larry Wooten of the Farm Bureau. What ever happened to private property rights? What we think is our private property is sometimes so controlled by the state that it almost seems like it is not private property at all.

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